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Living abroad with a foreign husband is truly challenging to any woman who had dated online. Dating is a lot different when the two of you are already living together. Online dating sites had been a gateway for many people who decided to live together away from their own country. There are many challenges that you'll be facing when you have a foreign husband but both of will have a happy and fulfilling relationship if you care, respect and support each other.

First of all, prepare all the necessary papers and things that you need to bring with you like your birth certificate and passport. There is a limit to the things that you can place inside your luggage so avoid bringing plenty of clothing because you might pay additional fee for it and it could cost a lot more. You may just buy some clothes on sale when you get to the foreign country where your husband lives.

You need to simplify your life because you will be dependent on most of the basic things that you'll need from your husband. If you come from a third world country then this may not be difficult for you to adjust maybe because you're used to it. The most important thing is the way your foreign husband will treat you because it's easy to be practical and live simply as long as you are treated with respect and dignity.

Relationships will only succeed when  respect is present because it's easy to love a person when you feel respected and appreciated. Especially in the first year of your marriage life, you are still adjusting to a lot of things including your relationship with your foreign husband and the people close to him.

There is a "possibility" that your foreign husband will not give you money because every time you go out, you're always with him since you're new in the country and he is the one who is spending for everything so expect that you'll have an empty wallet until you can work. This may not be true to all because some foreign husbands will still give you freedom to spend what you like by giving you spending allowance every month.

It could be in a very little amount but what is important is that he respects and trusts you to buy the things that you like without asking what you did with that money. The important thing here is that he gives you financial freedom while you still have no work being an alien to a foreign country.

Be careful of the way you speak especially when you have arguments. It is better to be forgiving and calm because you are alone in a foreign land. If he can hurt your feelings deeply then let him know about it in a way that he will not get offended.

It is also not good to allow him to continue in doing the things that you clearly know that it's already abusive. Not all foreign husbands are abusive to their alien wives but if you're unlucky to be married to one then go out and ask for help.

Try to gain friends in the neighborhood or talk to your family and friends back home when you have time. You will be so lonely when your foreign husband will go to work and you are left alone inside the house or apartment. You can also take time to do things that you were not able to do when you're still in your country like writing articles online, painting, or any hobby that you would like to have.

Just be positive if you are left in the apartment or house doing the household chores while your foreign husband is in his job. If you are used to having a good job in your country since you had a higher degree and now you're left alone in the house then just remember the love that you have for your foreign husband.

Relationships will only last if both of you are willing to make sacrifices within your marriage. Take a big effort to understand more about your second language like watching movies or shows on television. If your foreign husband can afford to enroll you in a foreign language class then this is better.

There are now language learning software that you can buy online that can help develop your skills. You can learn naturally and start speaking the difficult words of the foreign language without translation or memorization.

Think of the positive attributes of your foreign husband so that you can live with him happily away from your parents and friends as well as the country that you had grown to love. Living in a foreign land away from the things that you're so used to can be challenging on your part but if he is there to support you then it will be easier.


Remind yourself of the love that you have for your foreign husband. Always remind yourself that you married him for that reason.


If ever you are suffering from emotional and physical abuse by your foreign husband, ask or call for help. Remember that there are many people and different organizations who are willing to help battered and abused women even if they come from foreign countries.



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