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How to Introduce Yourself in Online Dating Sites 

(See Samples Below)

How you introduce yourself in a dating site can truly give a positive or negative effect on the other person whom you wish to know and communicate so we have examples for you on how to simply introduce yourself. If you're reading this short article then there is a big possibility that you already have a good profile in a dating site.

Well, if someone had noticed it and is interested in communicating with you then this is the time that you need to start in introducing yourself if you're also interested in this person. Many singles online start to communicate through sending short and friendly emails then it goes on everyday and then later on when they are comfortable knowing each other they will use videophones.

If somebody had sent you a short but nice and meaningful email then this means you've got a friend that may turn into a potential date. Dating online can truly be fun if you also know how to protect yourself, just like when you're also dating offline.

Just beware of scam artists because they are also good in disguising themselves as very nice potential dates. Always remember that if they will ask or talk about monetary problems especially in the early stages of communication, chances are these people had joined these dating sites in order to gain profits.

Many dating sites recommend a good introductory email as your first step in communication. Usually this is just a short message as a response to someone elses email or can be your initial one. The nice thing about online dating is that you can freely express yourself through writing what you want to convey to the person whom who want to know at the convenience of your home office.

But the opening line is an important part in the email that you will send to the person whom you're interested. You also need to think something unique to write to catch a man or woman’s attention because a first impression is lasting.

Self-Introductions for Online Dating Sites

I met my husband through online dating and I can still remember how excited I was when the computer informed me that "YOU'VE GOT EMAIL!" Well, those are the wonderful days when I got really excited about opening up my email because I was expecting something to read every time I came home from work.

When it comes to introductions in dating sites, its a good idea to read first the dating profile of the person who was interested in you and take a little bit of time to respond. If he or she had sent you a short email introduction and you are ready to respond then make it short as well.

Try to make the email personal and use the first name instead of being formal like you are talking to your supervisor at work. Most people who are dating online don't really like being referred to as Mr. or Ms. When you make it so formal, chances are, it makes the person whom you are interested may back off right away.

Remember, if you want someone's attention, address him or her with the first name and talk about the nice things that he or she posted in the dating profile. Try to express some interest in the things that the person likes to do, for example, his or her hobbies. It is best if this is disguised with a sense of humor. 

When writing a letter or an email, try to write it as you are sending to a friend. Try to give your message a positive light and keep it simple and short. Don't send it immediately, try to save it for awhile then return and read it again. If you are sure that it is already good then just click the "send button". Keep in mind that this person whom you are writing to is also seeking someone to date online on the same dating site.

If this person will be impressed by the way you write your email and profile then you will most likely receive a nice and positive response. Remember that the ones written below are just examples, you can add more if you will and just try to be friendly in your first email and not give too much details.

Give the person a chance to look at your profile first and if this person is interested then he or she will write back to you. Don't expect too much hope even if you have common interests because you are still a stranger to him or her so just relax and enjoy the time while your profile is in this dating site.

Examples of Online Dating Introductions

Below are some examples of dating introductions. If you want a long term relationship, you can choose any one of the examples as a guide below.

Online Dating Introduction Example 1

Hello (Name),

I came across your profile and I was really happy to read about your interest in basketball. I'm also a fan of LA Lakers!  I hope they will win this coming Saturday.

By the way, I like reading your profile and you have beautiful photos too. I truly hope that you could email me back if you have extra time. It's nice to know someone who has the same interests.

Wishing you a wonderful day and looking forward to hearing back from you.

(Your Name)

Online Dating Introduction Example 2

Hi (Name),

I saw your very nice profile and I have to say that we have many common interests.

I also have interest in collecting old toys and lamps. I will be very glad to communicate with you about these things if you like and get to know each other too.

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.


Online Dating Introduction Example 3

Hello (Name)

I just want you to know that this is my first experience with online dating and I'm happy that I joined because I was able to see your amazing profile. My name is (Name), I'm (age) years of age and I'm also a kindergarten teacher. You are right that this job is one of the most enjoyable in the world.

It's so nice to learn that you also watch the same type of movies that I do during the weekends.

I truly wish to hear from you very soon and have a joyous weekend.




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